Multimedia Production

Mediated Presentation Basics

And that’s a wrap!


As the semester comes to a close, I look back and see how much growth and learning I endured over the past three months. I have had many challenges, but the experiences and opportunities have been worth the stress, laughter and late nights.  My time in Dr. Matthew’s Multimedia Production class can best be described as the three phases of production. From pre-production, we worked through so many video labs, workbook pages and projects to understand  the material we would later use. In production, we were able to apply our knowledge and perform the various roles of a film crew (director, technical director, audio tech, etc.) through our how-to 10 minute shows! At first, I was intimidated and nervous but I kept surprising myself at how easily I was able to apply my knowledge and just perform the task without worry! In our last phase of production, post-production, I was…

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December 10, 2016 - Posted by | Blog Post

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